On Emoji and Linguistics, with author Vyv Evans, PhD, from NeverReadyGallery -- February 2021
The Emoji Code: In Episode 130, Dr. Vyv Evans joins host Chris Hadnagy, to discuss the use of emoji and how it can fill the gap between text and face-to-face communication -- 8th June 2020
Are emojis ruining children's abilities to communicate, The Spectator podcast, from [22.04], responding to article 'The Emoji Con' -- 12th May 2018
Interview on The Emoji Code, with Mark Lynch, Inquiry on WICN Public Radio 1st September 2017
Q&A with Vyvyan Evans on The Emoji Code. Science Magazine from [10.03] -- 24th August 2017
Can emoji evolve into a meaningful language? The Guardian tech podcast -- 23rd June 2017
The Emoji Code. Talk the Talk, Australian radio -- 27th March 2017
Emoji: The future of language? BBC Radio 4 (28 minute) episode of Word of Mouth, featuring Vyv, hosted by Michael Rosen -- 21st February 2017
The Guardian's weekly tech podcast Vyv talking about how emoji better facilitates emotional expression in digital talk
--10th July 2015
The Emoji Slideshow
The Emoji slideshow--for brands. Presented at the DOTS conference, 16th September 2016.
Coronavius emojis: Conveying compassion and humour with a facemask. The Wire -- May 1st 2019
Breaking the Emoji Code. LinkedIn Essay -- March 20th 2018.
Emojis actually make our language way better. New York Post -- August 13th 2017
Emoji is the new universal 'language'. And it's making us better communicators. LinkedIn Weekend Essay -- August 5th 2017
Why you need emoji: Emoji are the body language of the digital age. Nautilus magazine -- July 6th 2017
The power of the emoji, Japan's most transformative design. CNN Style -- May 30th 2017
Seven things you didn't know about Emoji. BBC article, based on interview on BBC Radio 4 with Vyv -- February 21st 2017
Does the popularity emoji and text-speak indicate a dumbing down of society? The Question--January 3rd 2017
How emoji means: The rise and rise of the global communication system. Lobby architecture magazine -- September 2016.
The brave new world of emoji. Cambridge Extra--July 15th 2016.
How do emojis mean? Babel: The Language Magazine--February 2016
Beyond words: How language-like is emoji? Oxford Dictionaries blog--20th November 2015
Sign of our times: Why emojis can be even more powerful than words The Conversation--18th November, 2015
Are Emojis Becoming the New Universal 'Language'? Newsweek--18th September 2015
"Emojis have hit Hollywood--and thriller or rom-com, they'll take it by storm". The Conversation--3rd August 2015
"Language: Evolution in the digital age". The Guardian--26th June 2015.
"Sorry, emoji doesn't make you dumber". Psychology Today--8th June 2015
"No, the rise of the emoji doesn't spell the end for language". Essay in The Conversation--22nd May 2015
Can emojis really be used to make terror threats? Article in The Guardian, February 2015