The Babel Apocalypse
A genre-blending dystopian, sci-fi mystery-thriller that will make you think about language in a whole new way.
Long-listed for the 2023 Grindstone Literary International Novel Prize.
Named one of the best novels of 2023 (Kirkus Reviews)
Available in Papberback, eBook and Audiobook.
The Babel Apocalypse website
Read the First Three Chapters here
The Dark Court (Book 2 Songs of the Sage) published 7th May 2024
"A truly extraordinary saga of epic scope." Kirkus (starred review)
The Babel Apocalypse earns a prestigious Kirkus star, for books of exceptional merit
"A perfect fusion of SF, thriller, and mystery—smart speculative fiction at its very best...The novel is powered by a multitude of narrative elements: deeply considered and meticulously described worldbuilding, an impressively complex storyline with numerous bombshell plot twists, emotionally compelling characters, and weighty themes concerning the power of language and the danger of humankind’s becoming overly dependent on technology. When the intriguingly complex elevated to another level; the pace becomes breakneck and the action nonstop, leading up to a stand-up-and-applaud conclusion that not only satisfies, but sets the stage for the next installment."
[Read the full review online at Kirkus: here] [PDF version here]
"Must read"🏆
"I was hooked by the perfect blend of Sci-Fi, mystery, and thriller, and the author's unique method of crashing a near-future Earth society." Reedsy Discovery review
“… a cyberpunk tale in the tradition of Neal Stephenson... This is a very, very well-written book.” Medium
“The Babel Apocalypse is a thought-provoking and thrilling tale that explores the nuances of language in a compelling way, making it a great read for any keen linguist or language enthusiast.” Babel Magazine
“A great addition to the corpus of linguistic sci-fi.” Literary Ashland
将于 2023 年 5 月 2 日发布
欧洲刑警组织侦探埃米尔摩根被指派处理此案。第一个嫌疑人是 Ebba Black 教授,他是自动化世界中最后一位以语言为母语的人,也是 Babel 网络恐怖组织的领导人。但 Emyr 很快了解到,在一个企业权力的世界里,那些控制语言的人控制着一切,一切都不像看起来的那样。毕竟,如果神秘的 Ebba Black 是罪魁祸首,为什么俄罗斯联邦会因为它声称不承担责任的停电而被陷害呢?为什么 Ebba 现在成为暗杀目标?
当他和 Ebba 发生冲突时,每个人都有不同的议程和价值体系,当他曾经相信的一切都受到质疑时,Emyr 面临着忠诚和背叛之间的生存困境。为了防止即将到来的文明崩溃和大联邦之间的致命战争,他必须从敌人中找出朋友——他的生命取决于此。鉴于他的处境不利,他必须找到阻止巴别塔启示录的方法。
巴别塔 Apocalypse is 圣人之歌第一本书
由 Nephilim Publishing 以数字和平装本格式出版。查看出版商网站这里.
(更多科普书见 这里)
美国版——2017 年 8 月
英国版——2017 年 5 月
自 2011 年以来,表情符号(源自日语,意为图片字符)的使用已成为一种全球现象。我们每天发送超过 60 亿个表情符号,并定期发送纯表情信息,当牛津词典将“喜极而泣”表情符号命名为“2015 年度词汇”时,它受到了大量批评。